Can you answer clearly the question who am I?  And are you living and working in congruence with you?  Do you have moments of deep meaning and ecstasy within you (and I’m not being rude!)?

This week I was asked what I would tell my early career self that I know now.  My answer?  Really nail being you!

Our global research shares that only 25% of us know who we are and 95% share that others would say that they are a different person at home to at work.

The power of knowing who you are – your self-concept – and being that person is the recipe for success.  Let’s get back to basics – Maslow.  Before I share this, I’d like to ask you to let it sink in that the list below was created through his evidence in the 1940’s.  This year it is 2020.  What is taking so long for us to be and work as ourselves and nail this!

Maslow’s stated that those who self-actualise (are themselves and live and work as themselves);

  • Are able to judge situations correctly and honestly and see reality ‘as it is’.
  • Accept and are comfortable in who they are and the shortcomings of others with humour and tolerance.
  • Rely on their own experiences and judgement vs. being reliant on culture and environment to form opinions and views.
  • Are spontaneous and naturally true to themselves, rather than being how others want them to be.
  • Try to help people beyond themselves, are humanitarians.
  • Are resourceful and independent.
  • Appreciate life’s basics, noticing simple things like a sunset as if it’s the first time.
  • Have profound relationships marked by deep loving bonds.
  • Value solitude and are comfortable in their own company.
  • Have a non-hostile sense of humour and are able to laugh at themselves.
  • Have peak experiences – occasions marked by feelings of ecstasy, harmony, and deep meaning.
  • Feel stronger and calmer than ever before.
  • Are socially compassionate, possessing humility and a sense of oneness with others.


Famed psychologist, theorist, and clinician Carl Rogers posited a theory of how self-concept influences and acts as the framework for your personality.  Linking it to success and happiness.  In other words;

Find out who you are.  Then be yourself, the best of you.  You’ll then be more successful and happier.

Imagine if everyone you worked with was doing a great job and was the embodiment of all of the points listed above from Maslow.  It all starts with you.  What is taking so long for us to be and work as ourselves and nail this?  Reflect on it.  Score each of the below statements out of 10 for the truth in you and take action to be yourself, the best of yourself at work.

  • I let the need to be right and impress cloud my approaches.
  • I have a personal self and a professional self.
  • I adapt my style to others so that they like or listen to me.
  • I doubt myself and occasionally overcompensate or hide.
  • I distract myself from myself and tend not to talk to myself positively.
  • I can be guilty of giving up and caving in, feeling that it takes more than me to make a difference.
  • I let my mood be affected by others.
  • I compare myself to others unfavourably.
  • I believe what other people say about who I am vs. believing my inner knowing.
  • I love being who I am, I like myself and make a difference using my inner self externally.