by Liz Villani | Nov 29, 2019 | Inspiration, Liz Villani - Founder
“…Between 60% and 70% of spontaneously occurring thoughts are negative.” A study of ‘mental chatter’ by Dr Raj Raghunathan at McCombs School of Business (University of Texas), reported in Psychology Today, asked students to maintain a “brutally honest” record of...
by Liz Villani | Nov 22, 2019 | Inspiration
Only 26% of employees strongly agree that the feedback they receive helps them do better work. Gallup. Feedback and recognition in the workplace are always hot topics for debate. The general view and business ‘rule’ appears to be that feedback is an essential tool...
by Liz Villani | Nov 15, 2019 | Inspiration
“Being a strong man includes being kind. There’s nothing weak about kindness and compassion…” Kindness has been in the news again this week as Wednesday 13th was World Kindness Day, the quote above is part of Barack Obama’s eulogy for the...
by Liz Villani | Nov 8, 2019 | From Courageous Success, Growth, Inspiration
“Women accept compliments 40% of the time. When the compliment was given by another woman, however, women only accept compliments 22% of the time.” Amy Morin , Mental Strength Trainer, article published in Thrive Global “Men often see compliments as...
by Liz Villani | Nov 1, 2019 | Inspiration, Liz Villani - Founder
Just 12% of employees apply the new skills they’ve learned to their jobs. Only 25% of people believe that training measurably improved performance. McKinsey When things could be better, do you grab a quick fix or go for a ‘deep full on sort this out forever...
by Liz Villani | Oct 4, 2019 | From Courageous Success, Growth, Inspiration, Uncategorized
Researchers estimate that extroverts make up 50 – 74 percent of the population. The other 16 – 50 percent of the population consists of introverts. Psychology Today This week Management Today profiled a successful entrepreneur and her reading list of...